You are about to discover a new play, available now for production. READING LIPS leaps across traditional boundaries to reach all audiences: straight and gay... deaf and hearing... disabled and able-bodied. In short, it addresses issues of interest to people everywhere.
Take a few minutes to explore this site. The Synopsis of the Play will give you an overview of the plot. Find out About the Playwright and read how READING LIPS came to be written in a Background Interview). You can order a professionally-shot Videotape of a live performance.
Wondering whether this play is easy to produce? Or whether you have the right actors? Staging Requirements will answer your questions. Since the play has been through several workshops and rehearsed readings, read what audiences have already said: The Critics (and Friends...) Rave. For information on other plays by the author, go to Author's C.V. and Links.
How this site can help you:
- If you are a theater professional, use it to get an overview of the play and discover how it will appeal to your audiences. (Dialogue samples are available.)
- If you are a theater-goer, this site will enhance your appreciation of READING LIPS.
- If you stumbled onto this site by happenstance (or a typo ), take a few minutes to explore.
Above all, tell your friends. This web site is only one marketing tool your word of mouth is far more important.
Michael ConleyP.S. Im interested in your feedback. E-mail me at readinglips @ msn . com.
Copyright © 2005 Michael Conley. All rights reserved.